Back in 1975, the creator of Mildronate (also known as Meldonium), professor Kalvins, was studying all body chemicals that can be deplenished during endurance trainings. He found that one particular chemical - Gamma Butyrobetaine - is being deplenished under physical workloads. He changed this molecule by replacing one atom of Silicon with that of Nitrogen so that the new molecule would not decompose and could act as a transmitter from CNS to peripheral cells.
Mildronate was approved for use to general public in 1984. It is a metabolic enhancer that can normalise cellular energy metabolism. As such, it is usually used to treat angina, myocardial failure and reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Off - label use of Meldonuim in otherwise healthy individuals includes increasing exercise tolerance, learning, memory and even sexual function.
Mildronate gained popularity after Sharapova, a famous tennis player, said that she has been taking this drug for the last 10 years because of healthy reasons. Also, a number of other world and olympic champions admitted taking it., e.g. world record holder in short track - Semen Elistratov, olympic champion figure skater - Ekaterina Bobrova, racing cyclist from team Katyusha - Eduard Varganov, world champion weightlifter Aleksey Lovchev and world champion runner from Sweden - Abeba Aregawi
MILDRONATE (aka Meldonium, THP, MET-88, Mildronats, Quaterine) – an anti-ischemic drug developed for treatment of heart ischemia and its consequences. Mildronate is used in neurology for the treatment of brain circulation disorders. Mildronate has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation disorders and central nervous system functions. Mildronate is prescribed for patients with decreased working efficiency. It eliminates motor dysfunction, decreases asthenia, dizziness and nausea become. The drug also improves the learning abilities and memory.
-Improves Oxygen Delivery to Cells
-Excellent for Sportsmen to Improve Stamina
-Protects Cells from Intoxication
-Improves Energy Levels and Faster Physical Recovery
-Treat Chronic Heart Failure and Cerebral Strokes
-Treats abstinence Syndrome
100% Original from the Latvian JSC Grindeks This is not a cheap Chinese generic replica in a plasticbag or foil pouch with unknown ingredients.
All packs are air tight sealed and expire up to 03.2021.
Mildronate is a structural analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine. The action of the drug is to prevent the accumulation of Acyl-CoA and Acyl-carnitine, the metabolites of long-chain fatty acids in cells, in ischemic tissues and to block this highly oxygen-consuming process. Activation of synthesis of gamma-butyrobetaine, as a result of decreased carnitine concentration, provides vasodilatating effect. Mildronate improves cerebral blood flow in the ischemic area, thus restoring distribution of blood flow in favour of ischemic zone.
Further read
Mildronate comes in capsules.
As part of combined therapy: 500-1000 mg once a day (or divide the daily dose for 2 times a day). Period of therapy is 4-6 weeks.
Chronic disorders of cerebral circulation: 500 mg once a day. Period of therapy is 4-6 weeks.
Intellectual and physical stress: 250 mg four times a day. Period of therapy is 10-14 days.
Sportsmen: 500-1000 mg two times a day before training. Duration of treatment during preparatory period is 2-3 weeks, during the period of competition 10-14 days.
Chronic alcoholism: 500 mg four times a day. Period of therapy is 7-10 days.Note: The MHRA and FDA has not evaluated or endorsed this product. Please consult your physician prior to using this or any other nutritional supplements or medications.
Store in dry place at room temperature. Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 degrees Celcius. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep locked and away from children.
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